Rock Point Kids



Rock Point Kids is a fun, friendly, and safe place for kids and families to grow on their faith journey. Our team of staff and screened leaders are committed to pointing kids to Jesus by loving them like Jesus and helping them become fearless Jesus followers.

Where to Go

When you arrive at Rock Point, a welcome face will greet you and guide you to where you want to go. You and your family are invited to come to the NEW HERE START HERE table outside in the courtyard, or head to the Kids Check-In counter in the main lobby. Once there, our team will gladly set you up in the system to make your visit the best it can be.


Check-in is simply done on the tablets in our main lobby (for kids birth through Grade 3) and in the YTH lobby by the Gaga Ball Pit. All you need to do is enter your phone number and follow the prompts. A name tag will print for kids, and a parent tag will print for parents. Kids through Grade 3 will need to be picked up using the parent tag. Lost parent tags require ID verification.

Join our Team of Volunteer Leaders

For those with the desire to reach the next generation and help them become fearless Jesus followers, Rock Point Kids is one of the most rewarding places to get connected and volunteer. We are a passionate and fun team that is excited to make an impact! Take your first step at getting connected by filling out our online Adult Leader Application. Youth under 18 will fill out our Youth Leader Application. For more information about the ministry areas, or register for our next Ministry Tour to see our ministries in action.

Take your first step at getting connected by filling out our online Adult Leader Application.


For more information about the ministry areas, register for our next Ministry Tour to see our ministries in action.