

He’s the center of it all!

Our vision for worship at Rock Point is to love God fully and love one another through faithful commitment and undistracted excellence. Love. Faithfulness. Excellence. That is our goal in every ministry when we lead our people into worship. We want first to love God so that we can love the people God has put in our church well. We strive to be faithful to God, to His Word, and our church. We don’t want to just do what is popular; we strive to serve a greater purpose. We want to do it so well that the band almost disappears from sight, and our people can just focus on Jesus. He’s the center of it all!


Thank you for your interest in auditioning for the worship team at Rock Point. We are looking for genuine and skilled worshippers who fit our culture and values. We believe that worship team members should exemplify what it means to worship in spirit and truth and should lead the congregation by genuinely and authentically engaging in worship as they lead by example.

Please take time to read the following requirements and expectations that we have for our team members. If you meet those requirements, you will need to fill out an application and submit a video audition.