Gini Larsen is practically an Arizona native. She met her husband of 37 years (Larry) in graduate school at Arizona State University and four of their five adult children also graduated from ASU (one graduated from U of A). She also attended Phoenix Seminary and has a Biblical Counseling Certification. Gini has led women’s bible studies for many years. She’s passionate about helping women become biblically literate and applying biblical principles to life’s problems. She founded a Biblical Counseling practice in 2008 and continues to use what she’s learned about the Lord and therapeutic principles to counsel women to know and love Jesus.

If you could have any superpower what would it be?
That’s easy! I would want the ability to be in two places at the same time!

If you walk into a coffee shop, what do you usually order?
That depends on what TIME it is: If it’s before 10:00am, I’d order French Roast with cream and sugar. After 10:00am, it’s Iced tea with lemon - no sugar. After 4:00pm, just water. It’s been the same thing for the past (20) years.


Heather Hier has called Arizona her home since 1997 after growing up in North Carolina. She and her husband Scott have been married 20 years, and have two sons. God led her to Rock Point in 2004 where she has served in weekend services and weekly Bible studies for years. She’s passionate about knowing Jesus through the Bible. Being on staff for four years in Adult Ministries Administration has been a thrilling place to use her spiritual gifts and be part of others’ biblical growth journey. When someone asks what she does, her answer is always an excited “I get to help people get into Bible studies and biblical communities!”

If you could have any superpower what would it be? Why?
I would want to eat whatever, whenever, and how much ever my foodie heart desires while each thing that touched my tongue only made me healthier and stronger. Tacos would be the most healthy thing I could possibly eat! Tacos.

If you walk in to a coffee shop, what do you usually order?
Large, decaf, sugar-free vanilla, almond milk latte, hot or iced. Did I say all that in the correct order? And sometimes an iced green tea with coconut milk and sugar-free strawberry syrup!


Jamie is a new transplant to Arizona, having moved here from the Pacific Northwest in late 2020. She has served in church administration for many years and loves using the skills and spiritual gifts God gave her to build the church community. Jamie has been married for 20+ years and has a son currently attending ASU and a daughter attending Benjamin Franklin High School. Her family loves hosting parties and having friends over for dinner. Her spare time is usually spent doing whatever craft has currently caught her attention.

If you could have any superpower what would it be? Why?
Teleportation - I would love to be able to pop in and see my family in the Pacific Northwest and Canada anytime I wanted.

If you walk in to a coffee shop, what do you usually order?
Trenta, black iced tea, two Splenda, extra ice. Unless it is Christmas time, then it would be an eggnog latte or chai tea.



    JANUARY 7 - DECEMBER 2, 2025 | 9:00AM - 11:00AM

    Women gather on campus for community at round tables in a large group setting twice a month. Learn together through Bible teaching and group discussion. Join a table group to further build biblical community where you can be known, accepted, supported, and developed. Small Groups meet off campus on the in between weeks.


    JANUARY 7 - DECEMBER 2, 2025 | 6:30PM - 8:30PM

    Women gather on campus for community at round tables in a large group setting twice a month. Learn together through Bible teaching and group discussion. Join a table group to further build biblical community where you can be known, accepted, supported, and developed. Small Groups meet off campus on the in between weeks.


    JANUARY 8 - MAY 7, 2025 AND AUGUST 13 - DECEMBER 10, 2025 | 9:00AM - 11:00AM

    Rock Point Moms is a community for moms of kids of all ages, from babies to teenagers. We support each other on our motherhood journey....